Hi. Yeah I'm addressing YOU. You, visiting this blog quite by chance when you've got nothing to do and you thought of maybe surfing the net and knowing what's going on in this cruel, unfair but beautiful world or maybe to just quite by chance see what people are shouting silently for. Yes, exactly YOU are my addressee. Maybe you're thinking about tomorrow, Friday- and that it will be a day to rest and LIVE-, or maybe about the great deal of work you have to do, or maybe about the money you need, or perhaps you're thinking about your loneliness… as I am! About the time you'll finally live free for yourself and all you love. The time there is no more worry about school or work or money or a teeny-weeny time to relax, to free, to be yourself, to go, to listen, to breathe, to feel that you're heart is still beating,…slowly. And you are still alive. A dead alive person. A moving corpse. But still alive. Still walking, still eating, still going out, still reading, still listening to music, still working, still studying, …Still, Still, Still, Still, Still… and THIS IS HOW IT GOES. This is how it STILL is going…